Social Work and Community Services Courses

Social Work and Community Services Courses

What makes Social Work and Community Services a great choice?

Transform Lives

Help individuals and communities overcome challenges, improve their well-being, and lead more fulfilling lives.

Diverse Career Opportunities

It's an industry that caters to diverse interests, allowing you to find a role that resonates with your passion and strengths.

Personal Growth

Cultivate empathy, resilience, and problem-solving skills, giving you an opportunity to learn and grow.

The Community Services industry is a dynamic and fulfilling profession known for its stability, wide-ranging career options, and its immense power to transform lives. With a promising job market and an ever-evolving landscape, it's a sector that provides not just job security but also a deep sense of purpose and positivity.

Professionals in this field work in diverse settings, from government departments and local councils to non-profits, NGOs, and private practices. They may provide direct support, counseling, and intervention services, engage in community development and advocacy, or work in policy development and research.

Below are all the carefully selected Social Work and Community Services courses to choose from. You can download the course guide by clicking on the ‘Course Guide’ Button. You can download multiple guides to compare which is best for you.

Available Courses


Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing and Disability)

With a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, students gain proficiency in areas such as personal care, assistance with daily living activities, and effective communication techniques. Through hands-on training and work experience, graduates emerge ready to make meaningful contributions to the well-being of individuals in their care.

12 Months

On Campus


6.0 IELTS Score

12 Months

On Campus


6.0 IELTS Score

Certificate IV in Ageing Support

This course equips support workers with specialised skills and knowledge to fulfill vital roles within aged care settings, whether in residential facilities, clients' homes, or community-based environments.

1 year 2 Months

On Campus


6.0 IELTS Score

1 year 2 Months

On Campus


6.0 IELTS Score

Diploma of Community Services

Prepares students for a range of roles in the community services sector, including case management, family support, and community work. Gain skills in managing, coordinating, and delivering person-centred services to individuals, groups, and communities.

2 Years

On Campus


6.0 IELTS Score

2 Years

On Campus


6.0 IELTS Score

Diploma of Community Services

This qualification is designed to provide essential theoretical and practical knowledge for individuals aspiring to excel in roles within community services, case management, and social housing.

2 years full time

Blended (on campus & online)

Sydney, Gold Coast

6.0 IELTS score

2 years full time

Blended (on campus & online)

Sydney, Gold Coast

6.0 IELTS score

Courses & Qualifications

Courses & Qualifications

To embark on a successful journey in Community Services, it's crucial to equip yourself with the right qualifications. From diplomas to master's degrees, the industry offers a variety of programs, combining essential theory with hands-on experience.

Consider programs like the Diploma of Community Services for a strong foundation, allowing you to explore service fields such as family and children's services, child protection, family violence, youth work, community development, and juvenile justice.

These courses provide flexibility, enabling you to explore different areas of the sector as your career advances.
For those with specific career goals, post-graduation specialisation in areas like alcohol and other drugs, mental health, youth work, or counselling is an excellent option.

A career in Community Services is about combining your passion for helping others with a commitment to learning and growth.
With the right qualifications and a heart full of enthusiasm, you can embark on a fulfilling journey where you'll inspire, uplift, and make the world a better place while building a bright and optimistic future.

Courses & Qualifications

Career Options

Career Options

Community Services presents a myriad of career paths, including counselling, social work, healthcare support, and community development.

Whether you're drawn to working with children, individuals with disabilities, refugees and migrants, people experiencing homelessness, or older individuals, this industry offers countless opportunities to contribute to society's well-being. It's an industry that thrives on positivity and change, and your journey in Community Services promises a world of possibilities and a chance to shine bright.

Within this thriving sector, you have a world of choices when it comes to where you can make your impact. Not-for-profit organizations are at the forefront of providing welfare services, creating opportunities for those who seek to inspire change. However, it's worth noting that some professionals in this field also find their calling in for-profit community sector organizations or within government departments, providing a slightly more secure job outlook while still allowing them to contribute to the greater good.

Career Options

Industry Growth

Industry Growth

The Community Services industry is on an exciting trajectory, poised for robust growth. In Australia alone, this dynamic sector is expected to witness a surge in job opportunities, with up to 11,600 positions anticipated in the next five years.

According to the National Skills Commission, the outlook for employment growth in the community and personal service worker sector is nothing short of impressive, with a projected growth rate of 13.5% over the next five years in Australia. Notably, this sector is expected to continue leading the charge in national employment growth in the years to come.

A career in Community Services promises growth, stability, and the chance to make a meaningful impact on the world. Your journey begins were positivity and purpose meet opportunity.

Industry Growth