Terms of Business Terms of Business

Terms of Business

World Education Terms Of Use

Last Updated: 01 December 2023

World Education Pty Ltd (ABN 27 671 149 714)

In these Terms, “we” and “us” mean World Education Pty Ltd (World Education) and “you” means you the customer or site visitor.

Access to and use of the World Education website www.worldeducation.au (Website) and the services available through the Website are subject to the following Terms as may be updated by us from time to time.

  1. Your acceptance
    These are the terms on which World Education permits users to access and use the Website including using the services and functionality made available through the Website, viewing Content provided by World Education, communicating with World Education, and reviewing service information. You agree to be bound by these Terms by:

    • using, browsing, or accessing any part of the Website;

    • registering as a member through the Website; or

    • using the services and functionality made available through the Website.

    World Education may from time-to-time review and update these Terms to take account of new laws, regulations, products, or technology. Your use of the Website will be governed by the most recent Terms posted on the Website. By continuing to use the Website, you agree to be bound by the most recent Terms. It is your responsibility to check the Website regularly for updated versions of the Terms.

    The Website is subject to change at any time without notice and may contain errors.

  2. Using the services and functionality made available through the Website
    Using the services and functionality made available through the Website is governed by these Terms.

    World Education provides its Website visitors and members the opportunity to use the services and functionality made available through the Website. By using the services and functionality made available through the Website, you are offering to use our services on and subject to these Terms.

  3. Availability
    Some countries have restrictions on certain services. If you are outside Australia, you will be responsible for checking whether such restrictions apply before using the services and functionality made available through the Website.

    World Education reserves the right to change the services and functionality made available through the Website from time to time as required. We reserve the right to change information immediately without notice to you in the event of any errors. We also reserve the right to refuse to provide services and functionality made available through the Website based on information on our Website that is outdated, otherwise incorrect or for any other reason.

  4. Content
    World Education has the right, but not the obligation, to monitor any information, course content, comment, content, communication, advice, text, or other material (Content) made available or posted on the Website. World Education reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to block, modify or remove any Content contained on the Website without notice, and will not be liable in any way for consequences of such actions.

    The Content on the Website is for general information purposes only. World Education does not warrant or make any representations as to any third-party services described or referred to on the Website including any courses offered by any company or entity that provides education services or referral services who is a registered user of World Education (Education Provider). Any use of World Education materials or information by another person or organisation is at the user’s own risk.

    The Content on this Website is obtained and developed from a variety of sources including but not limited to Education Providers, collaborations with third parties and information provided by third parties under licence. Inclusion of Content on this Website is not an endorsement of any organisation, Education Provider, product, or service.

    World Education provides no endorsements of any Education Provider. You agree that you are solely responsible for reviewing any courses promoted on the Website by an Education Provider to confirm the course’s suitability to your needs, the content of the course and any qualifications promoted by the Education Provider for persons completing the course.

    While care has been taken in preparing the Content on this Website, World Education and its employees, related parties, directors, officers, agents, volunteers, contractors and subcontractors will not accept any liability, including for any loss or damage, resulting from the reliance on the Content, or for its accuracy, currency and completeness.

    If you have a complaint regarding any Content, World Education’s sole obligation will be to review any written complaint notified to it and, if it sees fit, in its sole discretion, to modify or remove the particular Content.

  5. Links
    The Website may contain links to other websites, including those of Education Providers, referral service providers or advertising partners. World Education provides those links as a ready reference for searching for third party goods and services on the internet and not as an endorsement of those web sites, their operators or the goods, services or content that they describe.

    Other web sites which are linked to the Website (including Facebook, Twitter, Google), are not covered by these Terms, and may have their own terms and conditions and privacy policy. If you choose to access these linked sites, you do so at your own risk. World Education is not responsible for and will not be liable in respect of the content or operation of those web sites or any of the goods, services, or content that they describe. World Education is not responsible for and will not be liable in respect of any incorrect link to an external web site.

    You are not permitted to frame or link the Website without World Education’s express written permission. 

  6. Access and communication
    Subject to the consumer guarantees provided for in consumer protection legislation (including the Australian Consumer Law), World Education does not warrant that you will have continuous access to the Website. World Education will not be liable in the event that the Website is unavailable to you due to computer downtime attributable to malfunctions, upgrades, preventative or remedial maintenance activities or interruption in telecommunications supply.

    World Education does not guarantee the delivery of communications over the internet as such communications rely on third party service providers. Electronic communication (including electronic mail) is vulnerable to interception by third parties and World Education does not guarantee the security or confidentiality of these communications or the security of the Website.

    World Education does not provide, and has no control over, communications, networks or services, the internet or other technology required or used across the Website and accepts no responsibility for any direct or indirect loss in any form associated with them, whether due to congestion, technical malfunction, viruses or otherwise.

    Details contained on the Website relating to goods and services have been prepared in accordance with Australian law and may not satisfy the laws of another country.

    World Education does not warrant that: the goods or services available on this Website; or the Website and its content, comply with the laws of any other country. It is your responsibility to determine whether the goods or services comply with the laws of your jurisdiction.

    If you access and use this Website or its content from outside Australia, you do so at your own risk.

    By accessing the Website, you further agree that:
    i. all information you supply will be complete, accurate and truthful;
    ii. any essay questions or other written statements you need to do as part of any application process will be completed by you alone;
    iii. you will directly notify World Education immediately should any information you give us cease to be complete, accurate and truthful;
    iv. you will only use our system for the purpose of assisting with your applications to study. This includes not doing anything to interfere with the functioning of our system or anyone else’s applications within the system; and
    v. we retain ownership of the software behind our system and that you will not take any steps to reverse engineer, decompile, translate, disassemble or discover the source code of all or part of our software.

    You acknowledge that you are solely responsible for the completeness, accuracy and truthfulness of all information that you give to us.

    If you are offered and accept a place on a course, you undertake to obey the Rules, Regulations, Statutes and Ordinances of the academic institution, and to ensure payment of all fees and other liabilities for the course you apply to. You understand that you are solely responsible for paying any applicable fees or other liabilities involved in applying to or undertaking the courses you choose and, in particular, that we cannot be responsible for any changes to course or fee details.

    Comparative Information
    We may pool the information and Content you and other users of World Education’s services, and Website provide to us (Comparative Information) and use that information in a de-identifying manner which complies with our Privacy Policy responsibilities. The Comparative Information will be general information about the operations of users of World Education’s services and Website. The information we gather and which we may publish will not refer to, or be identifiable to, any particular user of our World Education’s services and Website. You grant a non-exclusive, royalty-free licence to World Education to use the Comparative Information during and after your use of our services and the Website (including after you are no longer a member) and for any such other purposes as we deem necessary provided use of the Comparative Information conforms with our Privacy Policy and all applicable laws. 

  7. Privacy
    Any personal information submitted by you to World Education is subject to and will be handled in accordance with World Education’s privacy policy (Privacy Policy). The Privacy Policy forms part of these Terms. You agree that, by using the Website or communicating with World Education, you have read the Privacy Policy, understood its contents and consent to its requirements.

  8. Intellectual property
    All intellectual property rights, including copyright and patents, on the Website, World Education’s goods and services, and all components of them are owned or licensed by World Education or any of its related entities. You must not copy, modify, or transmit any part of the Website.
    The Website contains trademarks, logos, service names and trade names of World Education or third parties which may be registered or otherwise protected by law. You are not permitted to use any trademarks, logos, service names, trade names or any other Content or copies of the Content appearing on the Website.

  9. Website licence and use
    World Education grants you a non-exclusive and non-transferable licence to use the Website for your own personal use subject to the restrictions specified in clause 11.
    You may not download (other than page caching) or modify the Website or any portion of the Website. Any Content that you post on the Website or otherwise provide or communicate to World Education will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary information.

  10. Prohibited uses
    In using the Website you must not:

    • engage in any commercial activity including marketing, advertising or commercial promotion of goods or services, resale, collect and use any product lists or pricing for the benefit of other merchants, data mine or use robots or other data collection methods;

    • impersonate or falsely claim to represent a person or organisation;

    • defame, abuse, stalk, harass, threaten, or otherwise violate the legal rights of others, including without limitation, rights relating to privacy and publicity;

    • post, link to, or otherwise communicate or distribute any inappropriate, profane, defamatory, infringing, obscene, indecent, or unlawful material or information, or otherwise use the Website in a manner which is unlawful or would infringe the rights of another person including any intellectual property rights; or

    • post, link to, or otherwise distribute any information, material or item which contains a virus, trojan horse, worm or other harmful or disruptive component.


    Unauthorised use of the Website may give rise to a claim for damages and/or may result in legal proceedings being taken against you.

    World Education provides no warranties and cannot guarantee that any file, program, access or use of the Website is free from viruses, malware or other harmful technology or material which could damage or infect your data, hardware, software or other equipment. By accessing and using the Website you assume all risk in this regard, and you release World Education from all applicable liability and responsibility.

  1. Termination of your access to the Website
    World Education may at any time immediately terminate your access (including restricting access) to the Website or any feature of the Website for any reason (including due to your breach or alleged breach of these Terms) in its sole discretion and without prior notice. Any indemnities given by you and any limitations of our liability survive such termination.

  2. Disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability
    To the full extent permitted by law, World Education excludes all warranties, whether express or implied, including any warranties or representations concerning availability of the Website, quality, completeness, accuracy, suitability, acceptability or fitness for purpose in relation to the Website, the Content, the conduct of any users, all links to or from the Website and the goods and services advertised or accessible on the Website.

    Subject to the consumer guarantees provided for in consumer protection legislation (including the Australian Consumer Law), World Education excludes all liability for any loss, damage, claim, cost or expense whatsoever arising out of or in connection with these Terms, the Website, the Content, all links to or from the Website.

    Notwithstanding anything in this clause 13, in the event that World Education is liable for a breach of these Terms, the maximum extent of World Education’s liability is limited at its sole and absolute discretion to either supplying the services again or the payment of the cost of having the services supplied again.

    a. You further acknowledge that we:

    i. have no control over the decision of an academic institution to accept or reject your application, and we are not liable for any decision an academic institution makes about your application;
    ii. are not responsible for the failure of any institution to consider your application promptly, properly or at all;
    iii. cannot promise that if we enter any data for applications on your behalf, that all data we enter will be error-free or free from delays;
    iv. cannot promise that that the web site used to submit your applications will operate error-free, or that the web site and its server are free of computer viruses or other harmful mechanisms.

    b. In any event, to the extent permitted by law and subject to clause 13.c, World Education shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from the supply of our services to you or the products used to supply those services, whether based in contract, tort or any other legal theory, and regardless of any notice we have given about the possibility of such damage.

    c. If any legislation implies terms into the supply of our services that cannot be excluded, then our liability for breach of those terms is limited to supplying our services to you again or paying the cost of having those services supplied to you by someone else.

  3. Indemnity
    You agree to fully indemnify World Education, its directors, officers, directors, employees, consultants, agents and affiliates in respect of all loss, damage, costs, expenses (including legal fees on a full indemnity basis), fines, penalties, claims, demands and proceedings howsoever arising, whether at common law (including negligence) or under statute, in connection with any of the following:

    • any breach of these Terms by you;

    • your access or use of the Website; or

    • your communications with World Education.

  1. Jurisdiction and law
    These Terms are governed by and must be construed in accordance with the laws of the New South Wales, Australia. You submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that State and the Commonwealth of Australia in respect of all matters arising out of or relating to these Terms, their performance and subject matter.

  2. Waiver
    If you breach these conditions and we take no action, we will still be entitled to use our rights and remedies in any other situation where you breach these Terms.

  3. Severability
    Each provision of these Terms is severable from the others and no severance of a provision will affect any other provision.

  4. Entire Agreement
    These Terms constitute the entire agreement of the parties and supersede any and all preceding and contemporaneous agreements between you and World Education. Any waiver of any provision of these Terms will be effective only if in writing and signed by a Director of World Education.

  5. Contacting us
    If you have questions about the Website, these Terms or Privacy Policy,
    contact Us at [email protected] or via the contact us information displayed on the Site. ALL communications should be addressed to the Privacy Officer.